Nominations for the Sexiest Bloggers of 2011

UPDATE: Nominations are now closed. Join my mailing list (at the end of the post) to stay connected with BMS and get an email when the Top 100 list is posted! Thank you to hundreds of people who commented and emailed me with their nominations! ~Rori

It’s that time of year again – time to give me your nominations for the annual Top Sex Bloggers list! I’m also super excited to be offering an awesome prize pack this year to one lucky commenter who nominates a great sex blogger for the list. The winner will be drawn at random and will receive:

  • A $75 gift certificate to The Nix Fix’s Online Shop
  • A Clone-A-Willy kit (your choice of color)
  • A $25 gift certificate to EdenFantasys
  • Open crotch lace shorts (any size, including plus) OR fetish jock strap (any size)
  • Japanese silk bondage rope (your choice of color)
  • More prizes possible to be added – interested in sponsoring? Contact me at

To be eligible to win the awesome prize pack, simple nominate at least one sexy blogger fitting the qualifications listed below. Only your first comment on the post counts as an entry, so list all of your nominations rather than listing each as a separate comment.

You can gain extra entries by:

  • Comment on any other post on this blog (every legitimate comment is an extra entry, but it has to be an actual comment, not just “nice post”)
  • Tweet the link this nomination post, making sure to include @SweetRori in the tweet so I see it
  • Post about this nomination post on your own blog
  • Sign up for my mailing list using the box at the bottom of this post (if you’re already on the mailing list, you automatically have an entry entry)

And now on to the main attraction! NOMINATING YOUR FAVORITE SEXY BLOGGER! You can nominate by leaving a comment on this post, and I’ll also accept nominations via email to if you aren’t comfortable posting your nominations for every one to see. Here are the rules – they’re pretty simple:

1. No nominating yourself. Feel free to post about nominations on your blog to encourage readers to nominate you.

2. Each nomination should include the blog url. I don’t know everyone, and some bloggers have the same names.

3. Blog content can be anything sex related -pictures/videos, erotica, sex ed/advice, opinion, poetry, personal journal. As long as the content is related to sexuality at least half of the time, it’s eligible. Nothing illegal, obviously. Straight, gay, bi, poly, D/s, vanilla, feminist, trans…everyone is welcome here!

4. The blog can’t be protected. It’s ok if a few of the posts are protected, but the entire blog can’t be behind a password that you have to request to read.

5.  The blog should be at least a year old, but anyone who’s been blogging since at least Jan. 1, 2011 will be considered. Special exceptions will be made for someone who has recently moved to a new blog, but was previously blogging somewhere else.

6. You can nominate as many bloggers as you like, but please try to limit to your very favorites.

7. The blog must be active, which means that the blogger posts at least once every week or so. When I judge in September, any blog with no posts during August or fewer than five posts since June 1 will be eliminated.

8. A few blogs have been retired! Those who have placed in the Top Ten three years in a row or who have been named as the top blog are retired to make room for new awesome bloggers on the list. Retired bloggers are: Sinclair Sexsmith and Coquitten (blog no longer available).

9. Nominations close on August 31. I recommend nominating your favorites right now so you don’t forget. You an also come back and leave an additional comment with more nominations if you think of someone else who deserves to be on the list.

If your comment doesn’t show up right away, please be patient. I have to moderate comments if you’ve never commented here before, and some comments need to be weeded out of the spam folder. Feel free to email me if you don’t see your comment posted within a week.


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